Accessibility and usabilityAccessibility is "the capability of computer systems, in accordance with the attained technological knowledge and its limits, to supply services and to provide information wich can be availed of, without discrimination, also by those who need supporting technologies or special configurations because some disability" (Italian Law n. 4, January 9, 2004 "Provisions to support access to information technologies for the disabled") Usability is a characteristic of software quality. Its importance has grown in recent years to counteract the complexities of the modern world. This characteristic underlines the importance of the final user, envisages a specific user center design process and can be achieved by testing objects in a quality laboratory. |  |
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Data Governance Data Governance enables managers to monitor and improve information systems taking the content of data bases into account. It envisages the management of people, processes, tools, technologies and services viewing data as a corporate asset. |  |
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Data Quality Data Quality is for data base developers. It concerns a general data quality model for data stored in a structured format within a computer system. ISO/IEC 25012:2008 can be used to establish data quality requirements, define data quality measurements, or plan and perform data quality evaluations. This standard categorizes quality attributes into fifteen characteristics from two points of view: inherent and system dependent. Data quality characteristics are of varying importance and priority for different stakeholders.
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Information system and Knowledge management A knowledge management approach aims to integrate all elements of an information system: people, processes, technology, data, services, etc. This section is for managers who want to kept abreast of organizational best practices and new technology platforms which can be implemented. |  |
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ISO/IEC JTC1 SC7 "Software and system Engineering" The mandate of JTC1 SC7 regards the standardization of processes, supporting tools and supporting technologies for the engineering of software products and systems. Its scope extends to : - processes - products - enterprise architecture - software engineering environment - software engineering body of knowledge - management of software assets - IT operations |  |
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Software Quality ISO/IEC 25010:2011 defines: - A quality in use model made up of five characteristics (some of which are further divided into sub-characteristics).
- A product quality model made up of eight characteristics (which are further divided into sub-characteristics) that relate to the static properties of software and the dynamic ones of computer systems.
The characteristics defined by both models are relevant to all software products and computer systems. Although the scope of the product quality model is intended for software and computer systems, many of the characteristics are also relevant for wider systems and services. |  |
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